Get comfortable with uncomfortable conversations about race.

Education. Dialogue. Liberation.

The Septima Project advances racial equity through education and dialogue. We bring antiracism workshops, training, and coaching to people who don’t know where to start or what to do next. We give people the tools and skills to promote equity in their families, communities, and workplaces.

We are comfortable with having uncomfortable conversations about race. We take a different approach to equity. Our work focuses on concrete solutions and structural change. We go beyond typical DEI trainings to cultivate spaces that spark connection, build community, and shift power.

Inspired by the legacy of “Mother of the Movement” and civil rights hero Septima Poinsette Clark, we believe in the power of education and dialogue to foster transformative change. We believe that education is action. Education is resistance. Education is a pathway to liberation.


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Read our free Building Relationships for Racial Solidarity Workbook.

“I am one dedicated person working for freedom.”

– Septima Poinsette Clark